Sunrider mask of arcadius check mission
Sunrider mask of arcadius check mission

  1. Sunrider mask of arcadius check mission how to#
  2. Sunrider mask of arcadius check mission full#
  3. Sunrider mask of arcadius check mission code#
  4. Sunrider mask of arcadius check mission series#

Sunrider mask of arcadius check mission code#

The come the events of Code Geass which to sum it up he accidently kills the father of one of his friends who had a crush on him, accidently uses his Geass on his beloved half-sister causing her to kill hundreds forcing Lelouch to kill her, loses the life of the girl whose father he had accidently, professing her love for him as she dies, and then being betrayed by his followers and his sister being killed, or so he thought, driving him to create the ]. * DarkAndTroubledPast: The assassination of his mother, Nunnally being crippled, then exiled to Japan with Nunnally mere months before Britannia invades Japan, not bothering to attempt to retrieve them assuming they would die which Lelouch assumed at the time would give his homeland a better reason to invade Japan. Especially since just about everyone he knew and fought for has died.

Sunrider mask of arcadius check mission series#

However, the events of the original series leading up to the Zero Requiem has left Lelouch feeling bitter and undeserving of the second chance at life he was given and even less reluctant to become Zero again since he has no stake in this conflict.

Sunrider mask of arcadius check mission full#

However, following his revival, although he does intend to honor Nunnally's wish to live a full life and does not plan to commit suicide. * BrokenAce: A young man who had gained a mystic power and changed the world, even conquering it before he was out of high school, Lelouch had accomplished a LOT in two years. * BigBrotherInstinct: Although his sister Nunnally is long dead, he still has these instincts and it helps him bond with Kayto and even offering ways to help mend Kayto and Maray's relationship when the two siblings become divided over a serious issue. * BadassBookworm: In a short time after his revival, thanks to some extensive studying and tutoring, he adapts to the more futuristic setting of the Sunrider universe, and further study allows him to create new tactics and offer ideas to Lloyd for new ships to make the most use of those tactics giving him a leg up against Space Pirates and other foes using outdated ships and tactics. * BackFromTheDead: Lelouch is resurrected by advance technology obtained from Diode before its destruction which took a few years before he was brought back. He also notices and devices new tactics and plans on the fly using details sometimes overlooked by others especially in a tense situation. * AwesomenessByAnalysis: Despite the difference in Technoloy in the era he has awoken in when he was brought back, he adapts quickly with help. * AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: As the leader of the Black Knights Lelouch qualifies, but in important battles he ] his men in battle piloting his own Commander-type Ryder, and has gradually improved as a pilot to hold his own if need be.

Sunrider mask of arcadius check mission how to#

However, since learning how to pilot a Ryder that has been tunned for him, Lelouch has resolved to address this problem by at least improving his piloting skills in the event he does need to take to the field.

sunrider mask of arcadius check mission

At best he could hold his own against similarity skilled pilots for a time. * AcePilot: Somewhat averted, although in the original series Lelouch's piloting skills were above average at best and couldn't hold a candle to other ace pilots like Kallen and Suzaku.

sunrider mask of arcadius check mission sunrider mask of arcadius check mission

When asked by C.C., Suzaku and Jeremiah to become Zero again to save the Galaxy from the threat of PACT he refuses, at first at least. However, Nunally wanted her brother to be brought back in the future to live the full life he didn't get feeling it was unfair for all of the sacrifices and sins he had to endure. He died at the completion of the Zero Requiem, but his body was kept perfectly preserved to study his Geass. The founder of the original Order of the Black Knights, co-founder of the United Federation of Nations, and lastly became the 99th Emperor of Britannia after he was betrayed by the original Black Knight founding members. !Lelouch Lamperouge/Zero/Lelouch vi Britannia This page lists tropes for the characters in the Sunrider: The Mask of Zero.

Sunrider mask of arcadius check mission